Sunday, September 2, 2012

Week 2 Hot Topic Debates

Should students be able to play games (software) in school?

I believe this can become a positive and a negative within an educational setting. Stated in the text, there are many positives to integrating game software into the classroom. One of the points made by Roblyer and Doering (2007) is that game software can provide skills needed for problem solving skills. Game software also gains the students attention and allows them to become engaged in the content. However, while choosing a gaming software for classroom use, teachers need to be aware of the software in all aspects and set guidelines for students. Teachers should also approve a software that has set guidelines and restrictions (Roblyer & Doering, 2007). Gaming softwares can be used a motivators and rewards within the classroom. I actually have a teacher in the room next to me that has provided her students with a list of resources of math game websites and one of their rewards for her is 10-15 computer time on the list of resources she prescribed for them. The students truly enjoy the choice to pick which game they wish to play, and the amazing aspect of this is that students are learning.

However, some of the down falls of computer software/games in the classroom can be overuse. One of the other teachers in my school also had an experience with this and she over-relied on the computer software to teach the students the content. While forgetting all of the other techniques she had learned as a teacher, she used the software to teach the students. Her test scores dropped dramatically, and after some of her reflections back on that school year she realized she relied too heavily on the software. Also, some of the negatives I have noticed with some of these softwares are that they do not follow the curriculum and standards fully. Yes, they touch on aspects of the content, but don't fully develop the content or standard. Some softwares are completely wrong in their assumptions to try and develop the content.

Celeste Deck

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