Saturday, September 15, 2012

Week 4: Material Generators

There are several types of material generators. There are some material generators that I am familiar with, while there are others I am not so familiar with. Material generators are basically software programs that you can use to have assignments/rubrics/tests created for you. For example, "desktop publishing software, test generators, rubric generators, worksheet and puzzle generators, IEP generators, graphic document makers, and PDF form makers" are material generators (Roblyer & Doering, 2007).

I have experience with certain material generators. I have used Microsoft Publisher within my classroom to have students create newsletters or editorials on specific subjects, this is one of my project for 7th grade students on the Arab-Israeli conflict. I have also used Microsoft Publisher to create Parent Newsletters for Open House so I am able to introduce myself to each of my parents since Open House can be a hectic time for parents.

 I have experience with a program called Rubistar. I became familiar with rubistar while I was in college working on my undergrad. I thought this was an easy software because it was quick and simple and generated the rubric for you. If you would like to check it out for yourself, it is a quick way to create rubrics easily for various assignments.

I also have experience with graphic organizer generators. My school has really bought into the idea of "Thinking Maps" for anyone who is familiar and with the training comes software to develop the various types of thinking maps to create them for the needs of the students. This software is expensive and useful, and I myself have made templates using the software to teach students how to use thinking maps.

Some generators are extremely worth while, I am looking forward to reading everyone elses' blogs this week to see if I can gain more resources for material generators!

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