Saturday, September 6, 2014

Evaluating Students

This is my collection of surveys, questionnaires, and instruments that I will be able to use in the future when evaluating my students. 

1. One resource that I found and have used in the past with students is the Myers Briggs Personality test. I used this in my psychology class, but it would be a good way of students introducing themselves to you. 

2. Also while teaching psychology I have given IQ tests and I explained what the scores meant, which was really interesting and the students seemed very motivated to achieve a high school. This would be another way to get to know and evaluate students. 

3. When getting to know students, learning style is always a hot topic of discussion. This learning styles inventory would be a good resource. 

4. In the state of Georgia, the students are given surveys under TKES in order to evaluate their teachers learning styles. This would be considered a student perception survey which would provide vital feedback to teachers. 

5. In the past I have used student interest surveys to learn about each one of my student's likes and dislikes. This is just a sample of a few of the questions: 

                           INTEREST SURVEY

1. What kind of books do you like to read?
2. What types of TV programs do you prefer? Why?
3. What is your favorite activity or subject at school? Your least favorite? Why?
          4. What is your first choice about what to do when you have free time at home?
5. What kinds of things have you collected? What do you do with the things you collect?

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